Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
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Example: Using Multiple Currencies with a Single Service Catalog Offering

You can create different prices for users depending on where the user is located. You can combine different currencies within a single Service Catalog offering.

For example, if you create a Service Catalog request, the prices automatically reflect the location of the user, based on the defined location in the Employee record.

Showing the Total Price for a Service

The following employee has a location of Canada (and a primary address in Colorado which is ignored because the location is Canada):

Employee Location

This user makes a request for a new smart phone. The price appears and the total is automatically calculated in Canadian dollars (CAD).

Sample Service Request - New Smart Phone

The user adds an option for the international shipping. This service is only available in USD, and appears as such on the right pane. Each currency type is totaled separately. The monthly charges are not added to the total cost.

Sample Service Request - International Shipping

Creating an Ad-Hoc Price for a Request Offering

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the Price List workspace.

3.From the toolbar, click New Price Item. A blank price form appears.

4.Enter the following into the fields:

Field Description
Enabled Check this option.
Item Name Blackberry
Price Enter 99 for value and USD for currency type.
Cost Enter 25 for value and USD for currency type.

Sample Request Offering - Blackberry Price

5.Click Save.

6.Open the Request Offering workspace and select New Smartphone Request. The Define Request Offering page appears.

Notice that Use Price List is enabled. (See Working with Request Offerings.)

Sample Request Offering - New Smart Phone Request

7.Click Add from Price List under Delivery Item. The list of prices appear. This list is populated from the Home  workspace.

8.Choose Service Manager Cloud Service Management 2014.1 subscription, then click Select.

Sample Request Offering - Select Price List Items

The item now appears in the request offering. This represents the base delivery item for this product and is charged to all users.

9.Click Design Request Form. This is where you define optional packages, such as Phone or Service Plan.

10.Click Edit next to Phone. The Configuration Editor appears.

Sample Request Offering - Item Configuration Editor for Phone

11.Open the Pick List section, then click Add. A new line appears.

12.In the first field, type Blackberry, then click Pick Price. The Select Price List window appears.

13.Choose Blackberry from the list (the one you just created), then click Select.

14.Click OK. You have now added an item to the list, which appears to users in the Service Catalog.

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